City Eye

Exhibition Description

Ham Yeon Woo’s first solo exhibition, City Eye, records the world the artist looked at in a time stopped by the Corona crisis in 2020. We dream of becoming a subject in our own world. However, it cannot. The individual world only flows weakly in the waves of times and situations. Promised prejudices, old hierarchies, gazes, and news coming from around the city like a ghost. Things that lead a person’s life like a giant eye. And those who cannot escape. We were orbiting eventually. But don’t we want to be free? To spend life insignificantly, it had the color and impulse of a rising mind. Through this exhibition, the artist wants to talk about ‘I’ and ‘We’ who desire freedom in this city.

On some days we want to speak as if we were declaring it toward the world (About 30 drawings produced in 2020, Collage, gouache, acrylic on paper, 2020).

We live in a fragile world. In 2020, the job disappeared, and the school stopped. Sometimes, I want to say anything in my tightness and sadness. Even though we say we know, we don’t know the truth, we wander the city of soul, we can’t settle in the present, we are suffering from the virus, dreaming of the past and the future. The artist borrowed the form of a poster to make a declaration to the world. On the drawing, a word or sentence was collaged to create a kind of picture poster.


Jun 20 til Jun 28, 2020.


Ham Yeon Woo.


Ham Yeon Woo.

Selected Images