Modern and contemporary family history - Kim Young-joon Jo Geun-sook’s solo show

Exhibition Description

Last year, Gasamrojieul held anonymous exhibitions to promote honest exhibitions. In order to continue this, six relay anonymous exhibitions will be held in the summer. The first exhibition is “Modern Contemporary Family History” by Kim Young-joon Cho Geun-sook.

<Artist statement>

I feel a strange sense of deja vu in my childhood and in my parents' youth.

Having had representation’s last stop as a family in painting, it’s so much fun just to paint them who look different from what they are now. Past images are implicitly intertwined with the present image, and are placed in the canvas in the middle of the past and present.

These days, I look carefully at the year written on the photos. The old one was in the 70s and the recent one was in the 2000s. It seems to contain the days of adoring the West under the name of modernity. Awkward aesthetics are both good and bad throughout the screen. It also reminds me of the discord between Western and Korean art. I can’t find my position and I see myself wandering around.

Scenes that took one day, or someone, still sparkle in the photos. Some photos have dates on the corner. While laughing at the photos, sometimes the numbers are so sharp that they instantly cut off the current romance.

Even though it was a long time ago, my parents and I have similar expressions here.

My mother, who used to hate even when I paint my father, likes to see her in my paintings these days. I feel like I’m summoning my mother’s youth for no reason. She is so pretty when she smiles at the old photos. Actually, isn’t that enough for the reason why I’m painting these photos?


July 11 til 17, 2020.


Gasamrojieul, Kim Young-jun Jo Geun-sook.


Kim Young Joon Jo Geun Sook.

Selected Images