Gasam Art Fair

Exhibition Description

Gasamrojieul opens an art fair to mark Family Month in May. Flat-panel works from various media outlets, including painting, drawing, engraving and photography, will be on display. There is no separate admission fee and Dawson will guide the exhibition.

Artists Statement

Hyohyo: I paint invisible world organisms inspired by various shapes of nature. This work began with the shapes found on the island or left in the mind.

Sikibu: People preferred to call the area’s old name, “PiPiPi,” meaning “the land of people who die and become nothing, and never go anywhere.”

Pygmalion: Working on paintings as if drawing on a small canvas, such as 10x10cm and 10x8cm. These paintings are related to current working materials such as mythical figures and animals. I tried to make it cute and charismatic.

Golden Retriever: Take this opportunity to introduce my three friends. Depakin Krono is a reliable friend who weighs 500 milligrams to keep my mood constant. Thankfully, styrene always cares about my gastrointestinal membrane. Avilipai is a half-hearted, sometimes dizzying friend who causes dizziness. It’s not easy to meet these friends, and it’s not easy to break up.

Annie: We are experimenting with visualizing nonvisible senses through contact. One of the works that I introduce to this art fair is a series of works. Hard and soft, white and shadow, and other properties come together through contact.

John Kool: It’s a feeling. I feel as I draw the feeling.

Mawei: I thought I didn’t stop thinking, but I didn’t think about what I was thinking.

Gomdallae: Records of the Impressive Moment in Life.

Jiwoorim: Drawing begins where my eyes are, where my memories are.

Hoihoi: When we wake up in the morning, the sun is up, and time is calculated according to the movement of the sun, and we live accordingly. Unlike the way the sun controls my life, I don’t think I can have any effect on the sun. What is this relationship?


May 24 til June 2, 2019.


Hyohyo, John kool, Hoihoi, Gomdallae, Pygmalion, Ma-wei, Jiwoorim, Annie, Golden Retriever, Sikiboo.

Selected Images