Searching for OO

Exhibition Description

The identity of OO in Searching for OO is unclear. Audiences can only infer clues about OO through the voices of the characters they hear. But they don’t even know what OO is, how it disappeared, or why they’re trying to find OO. It’s just thrown together in constant pursuit.

As tracking progresses, OO refuses to be specified as a single target. At first, OO, which was described as a person or an animal, can be a “disappeared event” leaving only traces, and can also be a “place (day) where the event took place.” From individual objects that have been materialized, it is now placed in the position of a subject who constantly transforms itself.

Here, the positions of the pursuer and the tracked are reversed. The characters lost something but don’t know what’s missing. It may not have been lost in the first place. Only a sense of “lost something” makes them move blindly. Here the artist wanted to explore the missing OO with the audience. What makes us blind?

The narration begins on the finished stage, but no performances are screened. The artist tries to show the stage that begins after the end and when it starts, it ends like a story that appears after death. The ending of the story will, of course, depend on each of the audience. Like you now standing on the podium as if you were the main character.

Written by Cha jaeshin

List of Works

Looking for 00, Sound Installation, two-channel sound: 18 min 2 sec, digital single channel video: 16 min, beam projector, speaker, 2021

Ending and starting, Start as you end, podium for the protagonist at the end of a stage, plywood, pipe, 140xx140x40(cm), 2021

A middle ground for inside and outside and real grass in-between Between the outside and inside with real grass forest, blackout curtains, curtain rod, acrylic on plywood and woodrock, tv monitor, clay, dimension variable, 2021


25 May - 6 June 2021


hodu kim


hodu kim


kang minki

Poster Design

choi dongjun

Selected Images