Something Dark, Cold and Enigmatic Edges, a Singed Heart

Exhibition Description

zozo is a queer woman who has serialized her diary on the Internet for about a year under this alias. Quite a few people actually read zozo’s diary. The most interesting thing in zozo’s diary is by far the love-seeking stories.

zozo writes a diary based on a true story, but pretends that everything is a fictional novel due to concerns about outings. Everyone’s names and nominations are fake. Even if you cover it up like this, the truth is clear. When all pronouns are thrown into the air, the only point where the narrative finally appears, the fact that is gathered, is that zozo is a minority. Nevertheless, this minority stimulates the perverse interest of many. Even though it was a trivial routine for zozo, which really happened.

For a short period of time, there was no obstacle to the identity of zozo, so in the Internet world, zozo’s world and its influence seemed to grow. However, zozo’s narrow world collapsed within a year as it became the target of reporting and censorship and hetero men’s stalking. Like the past days when she faced many people with anonymous power, zozo wants to face queers or non-queers at Gasamrojieul.

zozo’s diary becomes a novel and autobiography that knocks the boundaries between fake and real. Queer and non-queer, history and non-history, fake and real. Audiences will finally realize that these are in fact indistinguishable and mixed in our lives through zozo’s world.

List of Works

something dark, cold and enigmatic edges, a singed heart, mixed media(photo frame, postcard, printed paper, objet), dimensions variable, 2021


June 13 til 25





Selected Images