System Container

Exhibition Description

The project <DETOUR> is a 5 artists' research group mainly focused on photography. As a result of the project, Dongjun Kim, Jeisung Oh, Seunghyeon Ha, Wonseok Choi and Chaeyun Kim will open exhibitions at Gasamrojieul, Oksangfactory, Yoho Seoul and Hwangumhyang. The artists tried to deviate from the typical process of creating photos and explored the neutrality of photography which is photographic but non-photographic media. Through the exhibitions, the artists would like to propose a new way of creating and seeing photos.

List of Works

Dongjun Kim, SAR-180.67-HC4WFF9WFS6CF5-24BBR3TL1I, 2021, inkjet print, wood, ball bearing runner, hardware, LED, 12V cooling fan, relay module, 118x67x92cm

Jeisung Oh, MELCHIOR, 2021, P.L.A, aluminum profile, 106x36cm

Jeisung Oh, BALTAHASAR, 2021, P.L.A, aluminum profile, 106x36cm

Jeisung Oh, CASPER, 2021, P.L.A, aluminum profile, 106x36cm

Jeisung Oh, UNUSUAL DIVE, 2021, single channel video, 5’00"


September 13-26, 2021


Dongjun Kim, Jeisung Oh


Dongjun Kim, Jeisung Oh

Selected Images