The Dog Lady Who Loved the Cat

Exhibition Description

This is a short story based on a note I wrote 5 years ago. I’ve always longed for freedom. The word freedom is vague. I don’t know what it is exactly, but when I think of the image of it, it is probably like a feeling of riding the waves like dancing, wearing a suit that fits you perfectly.

However, it isn’t easy. Especially when it comes to my work, while freedom is so sweet, my heart has never been like that. So I decided to give myself a suit as a gift that fits me perfectly. It’s a kind of declaration of freedom. I am maybe crying out for freedom, away from ideas, criteria, ideals that have oppressed me. I’m not sure if it will work or not, but I made up my mind.

One summer day, I dreamt about living a life like vacance. The origin of the word ‘vacance’ is from the Latin word ‘ vacatino’, which means ‘ freedom’, ‘exemption’. At the same time, it also means ‘being empty’ which is from the English word ‘vacant’. I dream of living in an empty moment, free from everything. Maybe the reason I want to be an artist is to stay in an empty moment, even though it is a very short time. This exhibition is my first solo show, out of university. In the meantime, I had repeatedly submitted and brought my work back with a despondent mind, but this summer I could work with a round mind like a clam. Thank you for coming to my first exhibition which might make me miss this hot summer.

List of Works

The dog lady who loved the cat, Mixed Media, Installation, 2021


August 1-14, 2021





Selected Images