You and Me in Between Here

Exhibition Description

What defines ‘Painting’?’

‘What enables painting to exist as painting?’

Painting, a representative medium in a two-dimensional plane, mostly deploys images in the space in the frame. Accordingly, when we appreciate or think of painting, we see and think of images in frames hanging on the wall. At the same time as asking questions about such unconsciously defined ‘painting’, the artist focuses on the elements that form and define the medium called painting: frame, materiality, and flatness.

The space where works and audiences meet is where sensory exchanges take place beyond just physical space. The object could be an object of work and an audience, or an artist and an audience. The material and non-material exchanges that occur between them not only affect the artist and the work, but also change the work moment by moment. When the artist’s work meets the space of “Gasamrojieul”, the work contains temporality and provides a new perceptual experience of painting.


January 15 til 25


Lee Hye Joo


Lee Hye Joo

Selected Images